Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Mega Photo Link!

Hello all, first off I must apologize for the lack of content here but as time wore on and the project continued to flow it seemed harder and harder to find the time to write and sort photos and get posts up.

I have however now began to store my photos in one place! So now anyone can access and view a photo feed of our progress.

Click here to see the photos!

Thanks for all your patience and support! We are so close to the end of the build now we can taste it!


  1. Wow, what a lot of work. It looks fantastic. Can't wait to see the finished product (just invited myself to the celebration party I'm assuming you'll have when it's done!!)

  2. Looking good! I'm glad to see you decided to start building during the warm season!

    1. Thanks! Feels so gratifying to put the skills you taught me to good use! Could have maybe built it a little bit shorter, 25 feet seems small on paper, but scary on top of a ladder!
