Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Grown up Lego Blocks!

Well last week was a big week for us and it started off with the purchase and pick up of our bale supply for the cabin! Between our bud Andy's flat bed and my severely overloaded 1/4 ton we managed to pick up 116 bales in one trip...only losing 10 off the back of my load (all recovered undamaged) due to a shortage of straps, and Andy would tell you a  "speed issue", but i swear it was so very windy that evening. Yea the wind...damn wind...

Never thought she'd hold that many..

They look much nicer in the pile we made in our little clearing.
Perfect Fort material
Big thanks to Andy and Dawn for all their help sling'n bales in the dark for no pay and a shortened dinner plan...Also thanks to Andy for the pallets that they rest on.

Things are starting to come together!


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