Friday, 5 December 2014

Get on up!


See I can do better at keeping this up to date! Lets see...what have we to report...

As you Manitobans all know by now, winter has arrived.

Call me crazy, but I love it!

Framing has continued and we have a second floor now!

Lofty expectations
Ground level is for suckers
The extended area there is where our stairs will attach...or maybe just a SLIDE!
There comes a point in life where one gets a new pair of suspenders, and consequently must dance! This dance will not be done just anywhere. Not any ol dance floor will do. It must be least 10 feet above the fools who choose to stay close to the ground. It is this oddly specific desire that pushes us to build.

Foot stomp'n platform (version 2.0) complete! Now with more height!
I think Hannah's pumped for it!
Klowee could care less though...
What the heck are suspenders?
I just found out that our roof trusses will be ready next week and that gives me this weekend to get the walls up on the second floor and get everything braced up and ready for the big roofing party to come.

I guess that's all for now! Talk to you all later

Doss & Co

Monday, 10 November 2014

Well now that got away from me didn't it...

We haven't disappeared!

Let me start off by apologizing. Things have really gotten me away from keeping this blog up to date. Let me catch you all up!

Update #1 – Might as well start off with the cutest update! We've added to our pack! Let me introduce Hannah Marion Rita Palmer Born on December 20th, 2013!

 It is just crazy to think she is almost 11 months old already and growing into such a crazy little ball of energy.

All smiles
Update #2 – Cabin Completion! We have managed to get our current living space finished up. For those keeping up, our last post we were doing plaster work on the cabin.

That snow is from last year...

I put up a woodshed!

Nothing more satisfying than a fully stocked woodshed

Built a kitchen
Before curtains were hung.
I also put on a front porch for bug relief and we did our second smooth coat of plaster

No me moleste mosquito

Update #3 The good stuff. We have begun our main house now!

Foundation Prep work

Kinda wish it was going to be a hockey rink instead...

Walls taking shape

Last one!

Tis a fine wall but tis no ship!
That's basically where we stand at the moment! My second floor package is to come this week and we will be pushing to get a roof over the whole thing before too much snow comes. So much thanks to Ger, JB, JB Senior, Bill F*&#'n Sullivan, Ma & Pa Palmer and all our other friends and family for all the support as we push to keep this project rolling!

More updates to come! 

Here's a few more pics to get you through
Like my new hat?

I'm NOT a hat!
So I guess the dog bed we got you is a no go then?
Now building with Klowee sourced lumber!

Thanks for your patience!
Doss & co (now with more Hannah!)