Hi team,
Just thought I'd drop a note here to let everyone know that we're still kick'n round but it seems that life and Christmas and the current cold snap have gotten in the way of progress. We did get out to the Laaaaand on the 26th after not being there for a handful of weeks to find it completely snowed in! Much wood was chopped and we had a grand ol' time push'n snow around with the mutts. Here's some pics!
Someone's EXCITED! |
Looks like the truck will be staying on the road today... |
Dance floor is buried! |
Can you spot the dog? |
Queen Morgan of the wood pile |
You can really get a sense of how deep the snow is with these few vids showing the dogs and us slugg'n through the deep white stuff.
There's a few more photos
here. We're hoping to get back to work soon. But I suppose we'll have to come up with a plan to move all that snow so we can get supplies in.
Doss & Co.