Thursday, 25 October 2012

Real Quick-a-like...

Hey folks,

Sorry for the non activity over the last few weekends. Been rainy and crumby here on the weekends we've been workin but not taking many pictures due to the weather. We did manage to get some holes dug and celebrate an 85th birthday! Happy Birthday to Granny P! Big push this weekend coming up....fight the snow and get the rest of the pier holes dug and bases poured...gonna be fun. Can't wait to get back out there. I find myself daydreaming often of the time we've had out on the land and the time to come out there. So exciting! Great news on another eathship front! The Clandeboye crew is making crazy progress! All the best to Kris and Nicole! Here's some links to their adventure

here's a few snaps we got


sunset over soon to be cabin

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Shitter's Full, First Fires & Suitcase Dogs!

Another weekend passed and we're still at a standstill with the foundation on the cabin as the snow is making life difficult and gravel delivery next to impossible. Regardless, we got out there and built the box that will be in our new outhouse hole! Also big thanks to Ger (and Bella!) who brought his chainsaw out so we could get to clearing some of the downed trees and endless downfall that litters the forest around the build site.

We were good and wet as the sun started to set so we made a little fire to dry gloves and raise morale. The first fire on the land at that! Gravel is ordered for this weekend so hopefully we can make some more cabin progress....if not, there's always wood to stack.

Here's an album from the weekend and a few that I really liked.

Can't pile wood in the cold without TP for the runny noses

Bella grab'n some heat and steam'n gloves

Suitcase Dog!

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Foundation Time

So due to the timing issues of getting permits and blueprints drawn up it's looking more and more like we won't be able to get out garage/apartment up before winter this year. So for the sake of keeping busy and finding a way to enjoy our land in the upcoming winter we decided to build a 200 sq/f cabin in the woods.

Here's some pics of the foundation dig from the weekend of Sept 29-30

a few of my favorites being....

Morgan has a "Laid Back" approach to supervision

Thanks to all our digging team!

Holy Winter Wonderland Batman!

So we'd heard about south eastern Manitoba getting hit with a crazy snow storm this week but we were not prepared for what we pulled into....
No Problem for the ol Nissan
Mutts didn't seem to mind

The tamaracks seemed to take the worst beating as they collect the most ice
Many bent trees from ice build up

This one would have hit the cabin! (if the cabin existed yet....hehe)
Mmmmmm 4x4

surveying the damages

Guess it's just more firewood for the future

I guess it was a pretty serious storm, hydro lost over 100 poles and many communities in our area were without power for more than 24 hours. Crazy stuff considering there were wildfires and it was 26 degrees not even a week before this came along.

Mmm tasty snowballs

Taking a break....we didn't even do anything!


Hey Guys.

Welcome to the first post on our new blog dedicated to this ridiculous project we're about to undertake.

Guess I'll start out by going over just what we're about to do. My lovely girlfriend Niki and I have been living together in the Winnipeg for the last few years and have recently purchased 76.67 acres of land 60km east of the city and are going with a green approach to building a home for ourselves and our two mutts Morgan and Klowee.

Building with straw bales, tires, plaster and recycling everything we can get our mitts on we plan to try and build comfortable responsible off the grid living on our little slice of Manitoba!

Stay tuned as we try to keep everyone in the loop with what we're getting into out there!


Doss + Niki
PS. Here's some good links to some of the ideas we're going to be implementing